One Simple Strategy To Attract Customers To Your Business

• March 11, 2024

You can not win a match by wearing the most beautiful jersey.

Of course, people might admire your dress, but that’s not the reason they came to the stadium. They are in the stadium to watch the game, not fashion.

There is this popular saying that ‘beauty attracts the eyes but attitude wins the heart’.

However, as diverse as humans are; the attitude that wins Mr. A’s heart might not win Mr. B’s heart. This is where empathy comes in. Incidentally, this is applicable in the business world, particularly in sales and marketing. 

Currently there are an enormous amount of products gushed into the market on a daily basis. 

Image Konga

These products struggle for attention either for sales, marketing or recognition, however few converts because a large number of them lacks;

  • Consumer’s consideration
  • Originality
  • Competitive advantage

Consumer’s Consideration;

It’s very important to pay attention to what your target audience is searching for and more especially in the package they want it. Design your product based on consumer’s feedback or analysis instead of assumptions and personal opinion.


People are getting smarter today and very much scared of fakes. If your product looks like a duplicate of another product in the space, consumers are likely to stay away from it.

Competitive Advantage

Today, everybody just wants to be heard even when they literally have nothing different to say. Many products do not match with consumers’ choice and do not offer extra value that outsmarts the brand already familiar to them.


It doesn’t matter if you run paid Ads on all social media platforms, Tv or Radio, the truth is if your message does not match with the consumer’s choice, it will rarely convert.

If you are introducing a new product, it’s either you spend time educating consumers with trial giveaways, or you humbly bend down and respect their specifications. Simple.

It is a win-win game, your attention is required to win someone else’s attention.

Image: Tenor

You must be able to identify and understand someone’s story – that is, imagine yourself in their position before giving your advice. Otherwise, you end up wasting your time on deaf ears.

Featured Photo by Cottonbro

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