Dubai Visa Will Be Impossible for Nigerian Males Below 30 – Abike

• August 7, 2022

Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the chairperson Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) has disclosed that it will be impossible for Nigerian males below the age of 30 to be granted visas to Dubai due to recent incidents of violence committed by Nigerians in Dubai.

The NiDCOM boss made the disclosure on a recent appearance on Arise Tv Morning Show. She said Dubai authorities have made their visa processes more stringent for Nigerians below 30 especially males.

According to her ‘if you’re looking to Dubai now, you have to provide a six-month bank account, you have to have your return ticket and you must show proof of accommodation and if you lie, they are going to know and turn you back’.

Her words;

I think a few Nigerians have taken bad behaviour too far and we have to admit and accept that. It is not about profiling or generalisation, it has gone too far. So, what the Dubai authorities have done is they’ve made their visa processes more stringent.

So if you are a male below 30, no visa for you. It is very difficult, they have made it so stringent that you’re not likely to fulfil it. It doesn’t matter who you are.”

Secondly, if you’re looking to Dubai now, you have to provide a six-month bank account, you have to have your return ticket and you must show proof of accommodation and if you lie, they are going to know and turn you back.

So, let’s learn to obey laws of other countries and just do the right things because there are too many good Nigerians in Dubai.”

She also explained the unfortunate incident where a Nigerian, Alika Ogorchukwu was beaten to death in Italy is a priority for the Nigerian Embassy in Italy, stating that the accused must be tried and prosecuted accordingly.

According to her, the Italian government has been very cooperative as she assured that the Nigerian consulate would not allow it to be brushed under the carpet.

Culled from video:

Arise Tv Morning Show with Abike Dabiri-Erewa

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